Thursday, August 26, 2004

The Glow

For those of you that don't know, Mrs. iowawineguy is 12 weeks pregnant and we are both thrilled about it. My good friend Jules M.D. told me that she thought pregnant women were beautiful, and I had to agree. My wife is skinny rail of a thing and the first thing she noticed about getting pregnant was that her clothes did not fit so great anymore. So we have been doing the maternity clothes shopping thing, which is kind of fun for me, but sort of depressing for her I think. At any rate, 12 weeks means that she is still very slender, but with a slight round expression in her belly. Now, I cannot wait for the big belly that I can rub and talk to all the time, but I think this small protrusion is so cute and makes her look so beautiful. She can still wear some of her old clothes and dresses, except now you can tell she is "a little pregnant". It makes her look so beautiful I can't hardly stand it, and I love to put my hands on her tummer.

At any rate the pregnancy is progressing fairly nicely. No morning sickness, no super cravings, and no problems. Mrs. IWG has been feeling very tired and worn out, but she is also just starting a new job, so what can one expect. Anyway, she is my hero and I love her twice as much (is that possible?) these days! So, the glow of pregnancy lights our home these days and I am sure it will be covered in future posts as well.


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