Monday, August 23, 2004

The Lesser of Two Evils

Well, there is more interesting news on the political front today. This article talks about one of the best and most respected prognosticators saying the race is Kerry's to lose. Now I am not a huge John Kerry fan. I supported Howard Dean in the primary and was really turned off by the negative campaign tactics that Kerry and Gephardt used against Dean, not to mention how the DNC stabbed the Dean man in the back. However, you can be damn sure that I will not vote for Bush. That leaves me in a quandry because I live in Iowa, a swing state for one of these candidates. Nader has lost all credibility, respectability, and electability so my choices are limited. I have been toying with the idea of writing in Howard Dean...a protest of sorts. At any rate the election feels like a vote between two evils, and I hate that more than anything. To me there are not a whole lot of differences between Kerry and Bush except that Bush has had four years in the drivers seat to make a royal wreck of things.

I also look at this website about the electoral vote every morning because it is updated with new state by state polls which makes it more accurate than reports of national popular vote. Tomorrow it gets updates from all the new Zogby info, so be sure to check it out then as well.


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