Thursday, October 13, 2005

Hello, Blog Land....

*The Iowawineguy enters his blog, looks around at the cobwebs, the sun faded Dean for President signs, and grabs the dustmop.*

Well, it certainly has been too long since I posted here, and even longer since I posted regularly, but hopefully I will be able to launch this site back into a usable state. I have to admit, I finally have something that will peak my interest again.

It is not politics, where the conservative party seems content to self-destruct itself from the inside out, and the current administration is widely and universally panned across the spectrum.

It unfortunately is not wine, which I have not had the proper time or money to continue exploring to my hearts desire.

It is, as some of you might guess, the impending start of the college basketball season, and the beginning of another (hopefully) exciting year of Illini basketball. This subject more than anything gets me pretty pumped and excited to talk to all of you. As I begin to write more about Illini basketball, I am sure other topics will creep back into my posts.

I have been recently mulling the idea of trying to start a joint blog with some other friends that would cover a variety of topics, and perspectives, so eventually perhaps that will become a manifestation on this site.

In the meantime, college basketball practice starts at 7pm this Friday the 14th. So get excited out there in Illini land! I will monitor the situation and let you know what is going on in between my World of Warcraft sessions, the latest computer game that has me captivated and addicted!


Blogger GT said...

How can someone who hates spam, spam my post 30 seconds after it goes up!

Amazing! I feel the love.

8:41 AM  

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