Thursday, July 07, 2005

London Calling

The news is still trickling in from London this morning about the series of apparent terrorist attacks in the subway and on buses. I hate waking up in the morning and turning on Good Morning America and having to see more tragedy and death on the screen. It pisses me off when these things happen and it gets me so frustrated.

I am frustrated that things have to come to violent outcome because some people are unable/unwilling to listen and talk. I am frustrated at these cowardly terror acts against innocent civilians, people that having nothing to do with military or foreign policy. I am frustrated that it is so easy for the terrorists to accomplish their goals of terror, fear, death, and confusion while it is nearly impossible for us to feel like we have put a dent in their campaign of terror.

I really do want to try to see all perspectives of the issues that are on-going with Islamic extremists. I want to understand how these individuals are filled with such hate, contempt, and zeal for their cause that they are compelled to lash out in this manner. I want to be able to reach out to them and their peoples to try and say there is a better way, and to ask them how we can help them...ask them how we as a world community have failed to give them support for cherishing their life. But all I feel and see when these events happen are anger and frustration.

I just get the impression that we can never really "win" the war on terror. As long as there are passionate and motivated individuals who feel like they have no voice and no power over perceived oppression, then we will always have this lashing out in extreme violent ways.

Ack. It is just frustrating.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You fu[£in moron listen to yourself. i am so angwy and frustwated aaahhh!! poor diddum. If you want to wake up and not feel completely frustrated and helpless then do something about it instead of living everyday in a country that has a void at the centre of its conciousness and greedy ants for people trying to fill it with shit inanimate goods and trash for food and
morals of a rabid beast set forth upon my paradise of a planet

5:44 AM  

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