Monday, October 11, 2004

Diary Of A Political Tourist

If you don't have HBO, you need to do yourself a favor and get it. It has the best stuff on TV, not just movies, but shows, documentaries, and sports. Tonight was the debut of "Diary of A Political Tourist", a documentary by Alexandra Pelosi. She gained fame in 2000 with her first film, "Journeys With George", in which she went on the road with George Bush as he campaigned for the Presidency. It was a great behind the scenes look at a candidate on the road and his relationship with the press and the folks on the road.

Pelosi was back again tonight with her behind the scenes look at the Democratic nomination process, from it's early start in March 2003 until the nominating convention. It was a lot of fun for me to watch since a lot of it occurred in Iowa and were things that I remembered. It was fun to be reminded of so much of the past year and a half of my own life. It was also amazing to me on how I reacted to some things. Howard Dean's words still gave me goose bumps, Richard Gephardt still seemed like a backstabber, and Kerry seemed as dull as ever. Funny how some things can or don't change. I also still felt sad watching Dick Gephardt drop out of the race and end his career of service, and I still felt the very personal pain and sadness remembering the day that Howard Dean officially left the race and the tears I shed.

I love that politics is an emotional experience for me, and hope that it continues to be an emotional experience for many of the other voters. Too many individuals put up roadblocks between their lives, feelings, and emotions and politics. It should be personal because the policies implemented by our elected representatives are far reaching. Take some time to look deep inside and make a connection with any candidate for any office. It is truly a rewarding experience.


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