Thursday, September 02, 2004

RNC: Day Three: "Fuck The World. We Are America."

Thoughts on night three of the convention. I originally thought I would call this night "The Return of The Conservative" in an omage to Star Wars and the speaking schedule. However, after listening to the speeches, there was only one fitting name. The whole evening seemed to be one big middle-finger to the rest of the world. The message was clear, we are America, how dare we be questioned, get the hell out of our way or fear our wrath. I love feeling like we are team players!! We are the Allen Iverson's of the world.

Zell "Zigzag" Miller: Wow. Wow. Wow. Anybody else think of Yosemite Sam? Please point to one place in his speech where he displayed a "quality or stance characteristic of someone in the Democratic party"? Could he have been any more of a negative stereotype of an angry Southern male? How will he and his angry rant appeal to independents? Was that the speech that soccer moms needed to, that was pure NASCAR dad. So hawkish, so confrontational....glad he is retiring and can go out with a bang by saying anything he wants. There are lots of places that need liberating..are we the ones that should be doing the liberating? What about countries that don't want to be liberated...doesn't that make us occupiers?

Dick Cheney: So arrogant, we are america, we are the best, no one cross us or get in the way. Kerry does not want a permission slip from the UN, but aren't all of us in this together on the planet? Talked about communism, but it was the coalition and containment with our allies that broke the Soviet block, not our pre-emptive invasion policy. Still nothing but defense, defense, defense....terror, terror, terror. He did mention the economy....getting strong with no new net jobs and a soaring can the fiscal conservatives be behind this administration? The defecit has exploded and they have blaoted government spending and added programs (Homeland Security) while allowing prices on prescription drugs and health insurance to skyrocket. The tax cut....great if you make above $200,000, but not that effective for those making less....what can you do with an extra $600? Mortgage rates are low because Greenspan had to tank the interest rates to save the economy after you cut taxes before and after Sept. 11th. Egads. No one will confuse Dick Cheney with a compassionate conservative....he reminds me of that boarding school Latin teacher....he would beat your ass if you stepped out of line.

I was really frustrated last night. It makes me sad to hear so many Americans applaud that we should be the tough-guy on the block. Doing what we please without giving much thought to the rest of the people we share the planet with. God does not smile on the US, he smiles on the whole world. We are in a global partnership, but to hear the Repubs speaking you would think that Al Queida and their terrorist friends have a fleet of vessels, full of an Islamic army ready to storm and invade the US. This is not traditional war. Trident missles and AEGIS cruisers are not going to protect us. Missle defense systems are not going to stop a nuclear bomb packed in a shipping crate. Anyone see The Sum of All Fears?

Yikes. I will blogging live tonight hopefully. Posting my thoughts on Bush II's speech. Expect more terror, more Sept. 11th, more defense. Hopefully some policy initiatives. Oh, and here is some new information on Bush's valiant Vietnam era service. Wonder if they will call a little old lady a smear merchant and attach her for lying.


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