Monday, November 15, 2004

Changing of The Guard

Today we say goodbye to Colin Powell. An unfortunate casuality in George Bush's dangerous game of world chess. Powell is a great man, and a good moderate. He was forced to take dangerous positions due to his loyalty to the President, and his credibility may be forever damaged because of it.

Is it just me, or do the wave of resignations signal that maybe folks have not been happy working with Bush. I know that some turnover is natural, but the volume seems high this time. Check it out:

Already Gone: John Ashcroft, Attorney General Don Evans, Sec. of Commerce Colin Powell, Sec. of State.

Expected Announcements Today: Education Secretary Rod Paige, Energy Secretary Spencer Abraham and Agriculture Secretary Ann Veneman

Others Rumored to be leaving: Tom Ridge, Homeland Security, Donald Rumsfeld, Dept. of Defense.

Can it be that these are intelligent people tired of not having their voices heard and being marginalized by a President that does not want to hear facts??

Who knows.


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