Monday, November 01, 2004

1 Day To Go...

A tough day for me today. I found out this morning that my Grandpa Max died overnight. He was my grandpa, the one I was closest too. He had been suffering for years with rheumatoid arthritis, a terribly crippling disease. A couple years ago, due to the disease, his spinal column weakened and he injured his spinal cord in his neck. This, along with four joint replacement operations, left him wheel-chair bound. A few strokes had left him a little short of what he used to be as well, so it truly is a blessing that this homecoming occurred now. Still, I will miss not being able to see him....and I truly regret that he will not get to meet his first great-grandchild in March.

My grandpa helped to shape the man I have become, and helped ground my values. He was a quite introverted man, prefering to be out in his fields than engaged in conversation. Twice in my life he got cross with me. The first time was when I was a young child, and I was acting up in the car and would not behave. I was the first grandchild in my family. Grandpa Max was driving, and when we hit a stop sign he turned around and thumped me on my head with one of his fingers! Well, suffice to say that I was a better behaved child after that. The "thumping", as it became known in my family, is legendary. The second time was during a heated political discussion I was having with my family. My mom's side of the family, with the exception of my mom, are all Republicans. We were talking during the Clinton Lewinsky Republican Coup. I was arguing with my Grandma about how I thought the charges agains Clinton were not very sound. My Grandpa eventually roared in that character counts, and Clinton had shown poor character and judgement. It was the only time that I heard my Grandpa raise his voice, and like the thumping, it made an impact.

I could trust my Grandpa's opinion, because he told it like it was no matter what. He told me what he thought of Clinton, and he and my Grandma told me what they thought of Bush. They could not bear to vote for Bush in this election because of the same loss of character, and a flawed moral compass. They knew that Bush was trying to peddle bruised fruit to the American public. As Republicans, they were able to see past the strangleholds of pary affiliation and know that the right choice was not Bush.

So, tomorrow instead of being glued to the election coverage, I will make the long trip home to be with family. It was only a month ago that I was home burying Grandpa Max's brother. Once again I will serve as a pall bearer...what an honor. To bear Grandpa to rest, the same way he took me on my first combine and tractor rides, by lifting me up in his arms, and carrying me.

My last memories of being with my Grandpa are so special for me. At my uncle David's funeral, I got to push my Grandpa home from the church. It was only a few blocks, but it was just me and him, out in the sunny day. I got to spend those last few minutes with him listening to some last great words of advice, "Try not to hit the bumpy spots. Take your time, we are in no hurry."


Blogger illinigirl said...

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6:14 PM  
Blogger illinigirl said...

Very sorry to hear about your grandfather. I know how hard it is to lose a grandparent with whom you are close. Please accept my condolences a few days later than I'd like, and I'll keep you in my thoughts and prayers. Take care of yourself.

6:15 PM  

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