Friday, October 15, 2004

You Be The Judge

Okay, back to Mary for one last post. Two debates, two nearly identical questions on gay marriage. Mary Cheney is brought up in each question. The first is reguarded as pleasentries and a nice complement, the second is tawdry. You be the judge:

VP Debate

IFILL: The next question goes to you, Mr. Vice President.
I want to read something you said four years ago at this very setting: "Freedom means freedom for everybody." You said it again recently when you were asked about legalizing same-sex unions. And you used your family's experience as a context for your remarks.

EDWARDS: as to this question, let me say first that I think the vice president and his wife love their daughter. I think they love her very much. And you can't have anything but respect for the fact that they're willing to talk about the fact that they have a gay daughter, the fact that they embrace her. It's a wonderful thing. And there are millions of parents like that who love their children, who want their children to be happy.

Debate #3

SCHIEFFER: Mr. President, let's get back to economic issues. But let's shift to some other questions here.
Both of you are opposed to gay marriage. But to understand how you have come to that conclusion, I want to ask you a more basic question. Do you believe homosexuality is a choice?

KERRY: We're all God's children, Bob. And I think if you were to talk to Dick Cheney's daughter, who is a lesbian, she would tell you that she's being who she was, she's being who she was born as.

I don't see much difference.....oh wait, yes I do, GEORGE BUSH WAS SLIPPING IN THE POLLS by the third debate, he needed to take the focus off of his shitty performances and struggling campaign. There right wing bastards, they are trying to turn this against Kerry when they have ruthlessly lobbied for taking away gay rights. Don't let them smoke screen you on this one!


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