Monday, October 18, 2004

Kerry Days

An interesting day of events to share with you today. I am enjoying a glass of Ruffino Riserva Ducale Chianti Classico Riserva, 2000. Well balanced and very good and full of flavor. I really love Chianti's, they are a utility wine in my book, going with lots of things and sure to make you happy.

Tomorrow John Kerry will be coming into Waterloo, IA at 7:30pm or so in the evening. Today, the local campaign was seeking volunteers to come to the airport and help make signs to hold during the event. I took my good friend Wisconsin J to Hanger #5 to help out with this noble effort. Earlier in the day I had gotten some tickets to the Tuesday night event from the head of the college Dems at the University of Northern Iowa. When receiving them, I noticed they were white tickets, but she also had green tickets...I suspected an upgrade was available. At any rate, Wisconsin J and I made some great signs: Hope is on the Way, Iowa for Kerry, etc. We worked for about an hour and a half with nearly 12 other people of all walks and situations. Included in this group were about 4 Bosnian folks who kept making signs in Bosnian and Bulgarian, for the International flavor.

After our sign making, J and I were told that there would be a meeting for volunteers for the evening event at 6:30pm. J and I had nothing better to do, so we decided to volunteer to see what we could do to help out. So at 6:30pm in Hanger #5 we met with Katherine, who we found out was a physician from California that was working with press and setup for Kerry. I do believe that Wisconsin J was smitten! We ended up getting placed on the team that would help organize the crowd and help get them through the metal detectors. We were excited about this job because we were told that if we saw suspicious folks, or known Republicans, we could have the Secret Service drag them away!

After the volunteer meeting we were told that Tuesday night we would be given volunteer credentials that would allow us to roam the event in any area, except for Secret Service protected areas! Talk about an upgrade! I also found out that the mysterious green tickets were for a special VIP area. The final good news of the night was that we also got tickets for a Wednesday morning Kerry event in Waterloo with a much smaller crowd. Katherine told us that Kerry would be making a major policy speech, perhaps on Iraq and foreign policy. We were told that it would be a more formal affair and we should dress accordingly. So, now Wisconsin J and I feel like big fish again...we have not been this involved in the campaigns since I was flipping pancakes with Howard Dean in January!

Hopefully I will be able to get some good pics of the events over the next few days. The goal of this guy is to get a picture with Senator Kerry, to match my picture with Governor Dean!!!

To Be Continued......


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