Monday, October 18, 2004

4 Out of 5 Dictators Support President Bush

Why was I not surprised to see today that Vladimir Putin of Russia was backing Bush for re-election.

This is the leader that recently took away the voting power of the public, took over control of the media, and made sure his political party could stay in control and has chalked it all up to needing to fight the war on terror. No wonder he and Bush get along famously. Bush publicly condemns Putin for his power grab, but is it truly any different than using a right wing court to seize power and then using his messianic visions to lead a nation into poor decision after poor decision?

The voters get to be the judge. The polls still have Kerry with a lead. Zogby and Rasmussen have Kerry trending back into the lead nationwide, and in battlegrounds. Remember that polls like Newsweek, ABC, and Gallup do not adjust their results to reflect the actual number of Repubs and Dems that are likely to vote, so they are trending high in favor of Bush.

Two weeks until regime change here at home.

Kerry lands in Waterloo, IA tomorrow night, and the Iowawineguy will be there to provide you with a first hand account of the event!


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