Wednesday, September 08, 2004

You Can Run, But You Cant Hide...

Man, my spirits are starting to lift! Kerry is starting to act like he has a spine, and he is starting to talk about some issues. This article on the Daily Kos is interesting. It seems Bush is starting to feel the tight pinch of the corner he worked himself into. Here is what he is running from:

Headlines blare the news that the death toll in Iraq has crossed the 1,000 milestone.
There are also big headlines about Bush's record $422 billion budget deficit and the multi-trillion-dollar deficit projections for the future.

Then there are all the stories about Vice President Cheney's jaw-dropping statement yesterday that a Kerry victory would result in more terrorist attacks. Even his own staff is qualifying it.

Bush's spotty National Guard record during the Vietnam War is turning into a full-fledged media conflagration, with more stories out today and "60 Minutes" weighing in tonight.

Plus, Sen.Bob Graham (D-Fla.) is all over the media charging Bush with covering up evidence that might have linked Saudi Arabia to the Sept. 11 hijackers.

And while the mainstream press is not putting stock in unauthorized biographer Kitty Kelley's hazily sourced allegations of past drug use by Bush, everybody -- at least everybody on the Internet -- seems to be talking about it

Ouch, when you put it like that, it has to hurt. Zogby and Gallup both have polls out today that show that Bush did get a great bounce out of the states he already led in...but that he may have had a negative impact in some key battleground states! Keep on the sunny side.


Blogger GT said...

Spoonchamp, I was being sarcastic about the bounce, but I guess it was not conveyed well. There was no bounce, except in states like Alabama, where John Kerry would be skinned alive.

I think Bushy will let the Weapons Ban go....cuz the NRA is set to endorse him on the same day the ban ends...weird coincidence. Kerry will not touch it with a ten foot pole though...he needs gun votes too!

The last time the Dems talked tough on guns was 1994...when they had the majority and passed the Weapons Ban....guess what...there has not been a Democraticly controlled Congress since.........good ole' NRA!

12:59 PM  

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