Friday, September 17, 2004

The Economy is Personal

I heard from my dad last night. He is getting let go from his job along with three others as the close a branch office of his work. My dad is a funeral director. Folks, we have an issue with the economy when our funeral directors are having a hard time staying in business. Dad lives in Indy and he says that 6900 workers in Indy were laid off in the last month alone. The economy is personal to me because of my dad. He is over 50 and does not have a traditional "college degree". He is struggling to find and hold work in an economy that is still not in a hire mode. Don't let the Bush machine fool you, the recovery is not occurring.

By the way, has anyone else noticed that Iraq is a fucking mess....oh yeah, President Bush knew in July. Does anyone think Bush will do what is neccesary to save Iraq? That is flooding it with more troops, overrunning the insurgents, and recapturing the towns that they have taken over. I would like to say an International Force would help, but who is really going to dedicate to entering this mess? It is a huge mess, and lots of people are going to have to die to fix it. Bush is a miserable failure.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

There's absolutely no need to use the "F" word in your commentaries. It diminishes the impact by offending thoughtful readers who are looking for coherent arguments to support John Kerry.

12:54 PM  

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