Thursday, December 09, 2004

Are Canadians Smarter Than Us?

Landmark court decision out of Ottawa today on gay marriage in Canada.

The Canadians and their courts have it right. The ruling states that the government can redefine marriage to include same-sex couples. The ruling also says that the country cannot force religious sects to perform the unions against their beliefs.

This is important because it is the smart and logical way to tackle gay marriage. Marriage is currently written into laws across our country, but it is discriminatory and it is at it's basic level, a religious denotation. What Canada has done, and what the US will do eventually I am willing to wager, is say that the government definition of marriage cannot be tied into the religious definition of marriage.

The outcome is that government in Canada will now pass legislation making gay marriages a state recognized union, providing the appropriate rights to these committed couples. However, the sanctity of the religious ceremony will be preserved for those faiths that do not believe that a "marriage" should be allowed between same sex couples.

This seems to me to be a win-win situation. Loving gay couples are given government rights and allowed to be a legal couple, but the sacred tradition of marriage as a religious event between two people and God is left up to each denomination and religious sect. I think it would still anger right-wing folks in America that don't care to see the seperation between religion and government, but I think it is an important lesson from our neighbors to the North.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

okay, so it's agreed that what canada did is very admirable. yet i don't know that i would go so far as to call it a "win-win" situation at this point...true, gay couples will be able to have their legal marriages and the ignorant bible-thumping-abusers will have their choice to say that marriage is only between man and woman. BUT, the thing that bothers me about this is that this connotation essentially denies gay couples the ability to profess religious and/or spiritual desires to be married. as much as it is hard to fathom any self-loving gay person embracing traditional christianity, i do know for fact that plenty of gay and lesbian people do seek religion and/or spirituality. there ought to be a way that acknowledges gay/lesbian marriages in a religous fashion if they deem fit. the current ruling, for all practical purposes, tells the gay and lesbian unions that they're not faithful nor religous.

how hard can it be for the bible-fanatics to just agree to let people do what makes them happy as long as it doesn't hurt them? and why do they insist on worshiping a god who perpetuates hate? i'm not religious, but i am far more spiritual and more accepting of all walks of life than some of the most avid christians i know, contrary to what they believe or care to know. i choose not to support the image of a god who would not accept his/her own creations. that's hogwash. a god who doesn't love everyone and who wouldn't do everything possible to create harmony and peace in this world is a failing god and not one who deserves to be praised. why do people insist that when something bad happens to them it was "god's plan," or that "god had a reason for letting a drunk driver hit johnny and make him a bonafide vegetable?" hello, people, maybe your god just fucked up again and there is no justifiable reason for the bad things that happen. it's often the same people who use this logic who go ahead to say that people on welfare or who are homeless are that way "because they won't work" or "they choose to abuse the system." it's never "god's plan" that someone is an alcoholic, unable to cope after the vietnam war. it's only "god's plan" when it's convenient and frankly, i'm sick of it. i'll make my own plans and do my best to help out those around me instead of waiting for god or bush to do it.

oh, and did anyone read about the new vets showing up in homeless shelters? get this: they're vets from IRAQ. yes, we already have damaged souls back from iraq, unsure of how to get a grasp on things. and well, all the ignorant republicans who sent our boys and girls off to war better start coughing up the dough and spreading the love b/c they need it and they need it now. we'll have blown up a country that we didn't have any right to invade, we'll have alienated ourselves from the rest of the world so that everyone hates us when we travel abroad, we'll have a new generation of PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder) and drug abuse patients, AND we'll still have terrorists out there (b/c face it people, for every terrorist we "eliminate," we inspire another couple to attack us). but i guess we'll always have our oil, not that our country isn't grossly overweight and lazy and couldn't stand to get off its ass every now and then instead of into the car again...

oh my, this is way long...and it's not even my blog. guess i just had so much to vent and when i get going, i keep going. thanks for letting me get some issues off my chest! life really is a wonderful thing and i count my blessings everyday and give thanks for having had all the incredible opportunities in life so far. i'm very much aware of how lucky i am and how fortunate i've been, which is partly what makes me so passionately annoyed with politics at the moment.

so, go hang some mistle-toe (and smooch beneath it!!), sing some songs, dance naked, and have a wonderful holiday season! and eat lots of cookies!

11:11 PM  

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